Dr. Jean-François Laes
In the era of precision medicine, recent developments in next-generation sequencing and tumor immunology have allowed the discovery that several receptors like CTLA4, PD-1 and PD-L1 could be targeted by therapeutic monoclonal antibodies to cure patients.
Huge efforts have been made to identify predictive markers that could improve the therapeutical benefit of those treatments.
Initially, TMB was measured using whole genome and whole exome sequencing to have enough power (meaning bases sequenced). Nonetheless, those technologies are not cost-effective enough to be used in clinical routine.
The TSO500 panel from Illumina that has been launched in early 2019 is the most advanced commercial panel being able to achieve those goals. However, laboratories can quite easily standardize the wet lab, the bioinformatical analyses to get the maximum accurate information from one analysis, such complex panel could require complex strategy and must be validated before to move in clinic.

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