Oncomine Dx Target Test – an IVD NGS solution for every lab
February 20, 2019
With the ongoing development of precision oncology and more and more biomarkers entering routine clinical testing, a true end-to-end IVD solution, consolidating everything into one streamlined workflow, is needed in more pathology laboratories. The Oncomine Dx Target Test, based on next-generation sequencing (NGS), is now available in Europe and offers just that – 46 gene targets, including biomarkers associated with approved and investigative targeted therapies, all from one test, in one workflow, and in four days. Among the biomarkers tested are not only EGFR,ALK,ROS1 and BRAF but also cMET, NTRK1/2/3, RET, ERBB2, and others, currently in clinical trials.
Based on technology proven in many clinical oncology research trials, such as NCI MATCH, the Oncomine Dx Target Test can deliver results from a minimal FFPE tissue sample with a success rate over 93 percent, which makes it suitable for routine patient sample testing.
It comes as part of a complete, end-to–end solution including bioinformatics and application service, so even if your laboratory has no experience with NGS, you do not need to worry about additional expertise. Our clinical application specialists team will take care of you.
Learn how your lab can enter the NGS era. Now, NGS is here for everybody. Read More.